How to use a treadmill
Treadmills are used for a variety of training styles, from short interval training treadmill workouts, to long-distance running training and intensive cardiovascular workouts like interval training. Treadmills are the ultimate cardio machines for improving fitness and aiding weight loss. The way you use a treadmill depends on your specific brand or model. In most cases, after warming up your body with stretches and light exercise, you activate your treadmill as advised in the product’s manual and carefully start to walk or run. Ensure you read the instructions carefully before use, as these contain important safety information to help you reduce the risk of injuries or accidents. Once you’re up and running on the treadmill, you can adjust settings to achieve your desired workout.
Treadmills have a range of different settings like pace, incline, and pre-set programs. Incline refers to the angle of the treadmill surface you’re walking on. When you increase the incline, the surface slopes like you’re walking up a hill. Raising the incline is a great way to increase your heart rate and enter the fat-burning zone, especially if you incorporate a HIIT incline treadmill routine. If you want to focus on walking or running, a pre-set program automatically adjusts the speed and incline. Most treadmills have a range of programs tailored to different fitness goals, such as endurance, weight loss, and strength building. You can also input your height, weight, and age to get a more accurate program and data results. It’s almost like having a personal trainer in your own home.
Types of treadmills
There are many different types of treadmills, designed to meet specific fitness requirements. At Orbit Fitness, we stock a range of commercial, compact, and even the Synergy SPT Speedfit Treadmill with its unique, curved design. Commercial treadmills are typically larger than regular treadmills and designed to withstand multiple uses throughout the day, over a long period of time. Our smaller treadmills are suited for home gyms where space is a concern. A curved treadmill like the Speedfit is self-powered, mimicking real life running and optimising your workout routine. If you’re planning on long-distance running, then you would choose a treadmill designed to cope with long durations of impact. If you’re wanting a treadmill as another addition to your home gym, then a compact light treadmill will do the job. Or if you’re using a treadmill for walking, then you will likely not need a heavy-duty, top of the line model.
Treadmill features
Treadmills boast a range of features to take your workout experience to the next level. Treadmills have soft suspension, which helps the body move naturally, train harder and longer for optimum results while reducing the risk of injury, ensuring a smooth operation, no matter your fitness level. Most treadmills even offer workout data such as calories burned, current and max heart rate, distance, and speed–perfect for an active lifestyle. Orbit Fitness’ treadmill selection includes exciting features like; custom workouts and routes using Google Maps and iFit Live over WiFi, compatible music ports and speakers for music devices.
For more information on treadmill features, check out our article on the Best Treadmill for Home Use in Australia.
Benefits of using a treadmill
The benefits of using a treadmill include improved fitness, boosted cardiovascular health, and stronger muscles. Regularly running or walking improves your body’s endurance, which helps with everyday activities like walking up stairs and lifting. Treadmill exercises specifically target your lower body–your thighs, glutes, and calves. This helps build muscle tone and make your legs stronger and faster. Getting in a treadmill workout can also improve your cardiovascular system. Exercise increases your heart rate, which helps pump oxygenated blood to your brain. This stimulates hormones that keep your brain cells growing. There are also a number of health benefits associated with under desk treadmills for those who work from home or spend a lot of time at their desk. Whether your aim is to shed some weight, improve your cardiovascular health, tone muscles, or train for a specif