Silicone Spray
Keep your Fitness Equipment Machines Lubricated
It’s important to take good care of your treadmill deck (the walking surface underneath the belt) because the belt/deck friction may affect the motor and control board function. When there is an increase in friction between the running belt and the running board, the motor draws more current causing a power surge. This power surging will cause the driveboard to blow out and cause damage to the motor.
Friction can also cause the reduced life of your treadmill mat and board. To protect your treadmill we recommend periodic lubrication. Use only ORBIT SILICONE SPRAY.
Keep your treadmill clean and dust free
Weekly dusting between the mat and the belt will ensure the longlivity of the machine. You want to ensure low-friction contact between the deck and belt. The best way to achieve this is to follow the product manufacturers recommendation when applying silicon spray or making treadmill belt adjustments. Weight stack guide rods should also be wiped clean before applying silicon to the surface of the chromed rods. Silicone Spray can also be applied to squeaky nylon bushes in treadmills, gyms, bikes, rowers and ellipticals. Please check with your owners manual before performing any general service or maintenance.
To use the silicone apply the spray extension nozzle to the silicone can, then just lift the belt slip the spray nozzle under the mat and spray lightly, moving the spray from the middle to the front then from the middle to the back of the treadmill, repeat this on the opposite side of the treadmill.
Silicone Spray Composition
Orbit Silicon Lube is a colourless, odourless protecting lubricant which is non-conductive and water resistant and will not affect plastics or polycarbonates. Formulated with food grade silicone fluids.