Better Together: The Best Couple’s Workouts of 2020

Wish you were one of those fit couples?
Finding time to spend with your partner can be hard. Life gets busy, you’ve both got jobs, housework and other commitments. You may be working out separately at different times on different days. But have you ever thought about working out together?
If you can incorporate your daily fitness activity into a workout you do together, you will get the best of both worlds. Working out with your partner is a great way to get fit while simultaneously spending time together.
How You Can Benefit from Couple’s Workouts
Why not extend your quality time together through couple’s workouts? Better yet, start your couple’s workouts this Valentine’s Day. If you need convincing, check out the following benefits of couple’s workouts:
- It gives you happiness as a couple: Exercise has many health benefits, including improving your general happiness. If you work out together you will both feel an endorphin high which improves your mood, leading to a healthier, happier relationship.
- It leads to more energetic, efficient workouts: By doing types of partner exercises you can boost your energy output and increase your exertion. This is because when you workout with someone else, you are encouraged to work harder.
- It makes you more attractive to your partner: By doing partner exercises you will both feel more confident and healthy. This can lead to increased feelings of attraction towards each other.
- It helps you achieve your fitness goals: Just like exercising alone or in a group, couple’s workouts help you achieve your ultimate objective of becoming physically fit. By doing it with your partner, you are likely to keep each other on track to achieving your fitness goals.
- It enhances your emotional bond with each other: The rhythm, nonverbal matching, care and mimicry required in some couple’s workouts inevitably help strengthen the connection you share with your romantic partner. As you start to regularly perform partner exercises, you become more attuned to each other’s physical strengths and limitations and, more importantly, one another’s feelings and needs.
Types of Couple’s Workouts
It’s essential to incorporate both cardio and strength training into your couple workouts. Build your cardio by incorporating a variety of cardio equipment and strength training equipment. We’ve put together a list of couple’s workouts that combine cardio and strength, to get you and your partner on your way to becoming a fit couple.
Start with These Great Couple’s Workout
To get you started on your special Valentine fitness resolution, here are a few couple’s workouts you can try together
1. Kettlebell Runs
There’s nothing more motivating than a little healthy competition with your special someone.
Have your partner run about 200 metres as you do as many kettlebell swings as you can, whether in American or Russian style. Once your partner is back from their sprint or run, hand over the kettlebell as you make your own 200-metre dash. Your partner then proceeds to do as many kettlebell swings as possible, and then switches places with you to make another 200-metre dash as you do your kettlebell swings.
Remember to make a note of how many kettlebell swing reps you are making until one of you reaches 100. The challenge here is that the faster you or your partner runs, the fewer kettlebell swings your partner can do. You can both decide on the prize for the winner afterwards - a full body massage perhaps?
2. Squat with rotational pass
Start by standing back-to-back, then both drop into a low squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Stay in this position throughout the exercise.
Ask your partner to hold the medicine ball to their chest. Rotating through their upper torso, your partner then hands you the ball on the left side. You’ll then rotate to the right, take the medicine ball and quickly pass it to the left so your partner can take the ball again on their right side. Do this move for eight to 12 reps, and then change directions.
3. Jump rope couple’s workout
For this simple jump rope couple’s workout, you’ll be using a timer. You’re both free to apply your own jump rope skill in this workout. You and your partner need to decide on your goal number of reps you’ll be hitting together. You can also determine how you’ll split your reps together or use the timer for switching. Try having one partner jumping while the other is resting, and then make a switch when one is fatigued or when the timer sounds.
Make sure to mark down how many full rounds you and your partner are able to finish at the end of your workout.
4. HIIT couple’s workout – getups and pull-ups
To work your core and upper body, you can perform this HIIT workout together. Ask your partner to lie down with their knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Meanwhile, you’ll be standing, knees bent, with your right foot positioned in between your partner’s feet.
Link your right hands and make sure you have a firm, tight grip. You’ll then pull, bringing your elbow toward your ribs while your knees stay bent and your back is straight. As you pull, your partner uses their core to jump up and land softly on the surface. By using your arm strength, you’ll assist your partner as they lower themselves back down on the floor.
Repeat the same procedure five times on each arm, then switch places with your partner. Complete two to three rounds of this workout, and always ensure your core muscles are engaged to prevent spinal injury.
5. Core Twister
For this exercise, you’ll need a Wall Ball.
Start in a kneeling position about 2-3m apart, both facing forwards, 90 Degrees to your partner with the knee closest to your partner up. One partner starts with the wall ball and throws it in a scooping like motion across their body to the other person by twisting through their torso. As your partner catches the wall ball it’s important they keep a strong core and legs to not fall over, and that they rotate away as they catch. Continue throwing back and forth for sets of 10-20 or create a rule whoever falls over the most has to cook the other person breakfast.
6. Squat jump
Make sure you have two resistance bands ready for this exercise.
Start by facing each other, with each one of you holding one end of each of the resistance bands. Make sure your arms are extended straight out in this step. Also, you both need to feel a slight tension from the ends of the bands.
Go into a squat position at the same time, bending your knees, sending your hips back as you keep your core tight, and gradually lowering as you maintain the position of your arms. Then, jump up in unison, keeping the band tension and the same arm position steady. Gently land on your toes at the same time and lower yourselves again in squat position, `ready to make another jump. Do this for 15 to 20 reps.
A New Way to Inject More Romance
Couple’s workouts are a great way to spend more time together, while becoming a fit couple. More importantly, they can significantly enhance the romance in your relationship, and keep the spark of love burning – as you both burn more calories together.
Need some advice on what equipment you should incorporate into your couple’s workouts? Get in touch with our friendly team at Orbit fitness or visit one of stores to browse our equipment in person.